Wednesday, November 26, 2008

The Next Step

We're one step closer to completing our dossier.  Since our last post we've started the next step in the process.  After a little side step we contacted a social worker from Hershey to help us with our home study.  We had originally been working with Pressley Ridge for the home study but a snafu with the date of the agency's license and our anticipated submission date for our dossier caused us to look elsewhere.  We were concerned that the license would not be valid long enough to survive the review process.  We did not want to have to redo our dossier.  It's hard enough without this headache.

Pressley Ridge was great through out the whole process and we really appreciated the adoption education classes we took with them.  Heather searched high and low on the Internet for an independent social worker that could help us.  After we answered a questionnaire together and wrote individual autobiographies we met separately with Eva for one hour each.  I (Andrew) usually don't have any problems talking about anything for any period of time but it was definitely an awkward conversation with Eva.  I'm sure it was a technique but Eva wouldn't ask her next question until there was at least 10 seconds after I stopping talking.  It was weird. 

After our one-on-one meetings Eva met us at our house for the joint session and inspection of our house.  The meeting went well and now we are just waiting for Eva to write everything up.  Hopefully we'll have the final home study by mid-December.  That will keep us on track for sending our dossier to our facilitator/translator in Ukraine.

We had a scare on Saturday morning.  Cathy Harris sent us an email about new requirements for our dossier that were recently passed in Ukrainian Parliament.  It's great to have someone looking out for us but it daunting to see all of the hoops we have to jump through just to send our dossier.  In the grand scheme of things the new requirements aren't that big of a deal but we are really anxious about getting everything in order.

Ever since we announced to our family and friends that we are starting our journey to adopt from Ukraine everyone has been very supportive and curious.  We get questions all the time and we find joy in answering those questions and helping to teach others about the adoption process and Ukraine.

This time of year is our favorite.  The holidays are time to spend with family and friends and to reflect on what we are thankful for and how grateful we are for love that surrounds us.  We can't wait until next year this time when we can share the holidays with our new family.

Some more useful links:

U.S. Embassy - Kiev Adoption page

- This page explains the adoption process in Ukraine.

The Eberly's Blog 

- A local Lancaster family that just got back from Ukraine

Ukrainian Culture 

- Ukrainian travel site

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